
12 Proven Amazing Benefits of Eating Avocado

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Avocado is a unique fruit of the avocado tree, and it is part of the low-carbohydrate food list, being a very healthy food.

There are many types of avocado that vary in color and shape (from pear-shaped to round and green to black). It can also weigh between 220 grams to 1,4 kg.

Some people call it the „alligator pear” because it has the green and shell as an alligator. It has a pear shape.

The yellow- bright green flesh is consumed, and the seed and skin are discarded.

A biologist calls it “persea americana” and in Mexico, they call it “aguacate”.

avocado variety: avocado hass cut in halt

One of the most popular types is Hass Avocado.

This fruit is rich nutrients such as fiber and potassium. Avocado brings real health benefits to your heart due to its nutrient content. But are avocados healthy for you?

Avocado contains monounsaturated fats in over 60% of its composition, with few saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

According to a one-week study based on avocado consumption, it lowered LDL cholesterol and triglycerides by 22% and the level of “good” HDL increased by 11%.

A big part of avocado carbohydrates are fibers, and it contains calories as follows: 77% fat, 19% carbs, and 4% protein.

Below, I will present you 12 health benefits of avocado consumption:

1. High nutrient content

Known as a high-nutrient fruit, avocado is called a superfood, being very popular among people who care about their health. It is also used in the kitchen for its good taste and creamy texture. This fruit contains 20 different vitamins and minerals.

Here are the nutritional benefits of eating 100 grams (3.5 oz) of avocado:

  • 26% of the DV (daily value) – vitamin K
  • 20% of the DV – Folate
  • 17% of the DV – Vitamin C
  • 14% of the DV – Potassium
  • 14% of the DV – Vitamin B5
  • 13% of the DV – Vitamin B6
  • 10% of the DV – Vitamin E

Avocado also contains magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorous and vitamins A, B1, riboflavin (B2), and niacin(B3). It also does not contain cholesterol.

How many calories in an avocado?

The nutrition facts are amazing because one serving of avocado is 160 calories, it’s loaded with 15 grams of heart-healthy fats, 2 grams of protein. It has 9 grams of total carb from which 7g are fiber, so an avocado contains 2 grams “net” carbs making it the perfect low carb plant to consume.

2. More potassium than bananas

Potassium is a nutrient that helps maintain electrical gradients in our body’s cells and has many important functions, but most people do not receive it in sufficient quantity.

According to studies, high potassium consumption lowers blood pressure (the leading risk factor of heart attacks), kidney failure, and strokes. It contains 14% of the recommended daily value, while bananas contain only 10% of the recommended daily value.

3. High heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids

77% of the content of an avocado is fat, being one of the fattiest plant-based food.

It has been shown to have beneficial effects on cancer-related genes, having as a main component the monounsaturated acid, the major component of olive oil.

Avocado oil is a healthy and safe choice for cooking because avocado fats are resistant to heat-induced oxidation.

4. High content of fiber

Fiber helps reduce weight, lower blood sugar, and pose a low risk for many diseases, according to reliable sources.

There are 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The soluble ones feed the “good” bacteria of the intestine, which have an important role in the optimal functioning of the body.

About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.

5. Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels

The most common cause of death in the world is heart disease. Many blood markers are linked to an increased risk, like cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, inflammatory markers, and others.

Following studies on avocado consumption found that it can:

  • Reduce blood triglycerides (up to 20%)
  • Increase the “good” cholesterol (HDL) by up to 11%
  • Reduce total cholesterol levels significantly
  • Lower LDL cholesterol (up to 22%)

It is essential to mention that the studies were performed in the short term (from 1 week to 1 month), on a number of 13-37 persons.

6. It makes you a healthier person

According to a study involving 17,567 people (participants in the NHANES survey in the USA), people who consume avocados are healthier than those who do not consume it. They had lower IMC, high “good” cholesterol (HDL), and less belly fat.

However, the study does not have much relevance because it is not known whether avocado consumption has made these people healthier over time.

7. Helps you better absorb nutrients from plant foods

Some nutrients are fat-soluble, meaning that they must be consumed with fat in order to be utilized.

Antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. According to a study, consumption of avocado or avocado oil in salads or other foods may increase the absorption of antioxidants by up to 15 times.

Thus, avocados can considerably increase the nutritional value of other plant foods.

This is a good combination of vegetables and the source of fat because many plant nutrients are preserved.

8. Protects your eyes due to antioxidants

Avocado is rich in antioxidants, including carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which play a significant role in eye health.

Avocado consumption considerably reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, common diseases among adults. Thus, avocado is beneficial to our eyes long-term.

9. May prevent cancer

Few studies advocate that avocados have this benefit, but according to studies with test-tubes, avocado consumption may help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in human lymphocytes.

It has also been shown that avocado extract can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. These studies have been performed on isolated cells, not on human bodies, so we can not know for sure how much it helps to consume avocados in this cruel disease.

10. Relieves symptoms of arthritis

There are many types of arthritis, such as chronic problems that people have through their lives, being a common problem in Western countries.

According to studies, avocado extract can reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.

11. Helps in weight loss

Avocado makes you feel more satiated, which will cause you to consume fewer foods during the day, so fewer calories compared to people that don’t eat avocado.

Being a low-carbohydrate and fiber-rich food, avocado contributes to weight loss in the context of a daily nutrient-dense healthy diet.

12. It’s simply delicious

Avocado can be eaten in salads, guacamole (with salt, garlic, and other ingredients), desserts or just take it out of the shell and eat it with a spoon.

This fruit has a creamy, greasy texture and blends well with other ingredients.

When it is ripe and good to eat, the avocado is slightly soft. Avocados oxidize pretty quickly, but with a little lemon juice, you can slow down this process.

Avocado has tons of benefits and it's loaded with many key nutrients. Read the best 12 health benefits of eating avocado. Why should you eat avocados every day? Avocado has tons of benefits that include improving heart and digestive health, cancer prevention, healthy skin and hair, weight loss, and more. #avocado #avocadobenefits #plantbased

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Final Thoughts

Avocado is an excellent choice of healthy fats, which may have many benefits for your health, it can help you lose weight, and it keeps you healthy and strong.


Ioana is a food and travel lover. Her greatest passion is developing mouthwatering recipes that are comforting, easy to make, and budget friendly! She firmly believes that cooking should be fun! About me...

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Hello! My name is Ioana Borcea, and I'm here to provide you with mouthwatering recipes. This blog is all about sharing my favorite tested easy to make, delicious low-carb & keto, nutrient-dense recipes.

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